It happens again in the soccer segment of Tiny Brains.Battle Couple: With Suzy in the Rayman Legends: Kung Foot Polaris tournament.Badasses Wear Bandanas: When hijacking Steam Train, he wears one.Lampshaded in episode 11:Īrin: NO! I HIT END! I HIT END! NO! NO! NO-O-O-O-O-O! F-U-U-U-CK! FUCK EVERYTHING! BATTLE KID, FUCK YOU! SIVAK GAMES, GO SUCK MY DAD'S CHODE, YOU PIECE OF HAIRY GARBAGE! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!

To assert their confidence in their sexuality, they would regularly compare (and at one point swordfight with) their penises just to go "Yep. When Arin was younger, he and some friends were mocked for being gay when they weren't. This was later confirmed (and even corroborated by Suzy!) during Ninjabread Man.When Jon asked if that was a joke or not he purposefully said "it's up in the air, now!" Ambiguously Bi: He admitted to having touched penises with another man.This is reversed whenever he hosts on Steam Train/Steam Rolled, where his Grumpface comes in from the left. Ambidextrous Sprite: In real life, Arin's blonde streak is on the right side of his head, but his Grumpface in the standard intro has it on his left for the convenience of showing it off.Ac CENT Upon The Wrong Syl LA Ble: Ego Raptor practically invented it with his Awesome Series, perfected it with Girlchan in Paradise!!, and takes it Up to Eleven here.At the very least with the latter one, he does explain that he understands many people don't realize they film several episodes at a time, so by the time they get the hints they've already figured it out on their own, and while it can be annoying, he genuinely appreciates the feedback.
#Dreadout game scary clip update#
Does this with fan reactions to their playthroughs as well case in point, their Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is ridiculously popular and Arin is very aware of this, but instead of talking about how people enjoy it, he instead will talk about how people complain venomously if they put the game on hold to update something else, or calls out fans for giving them angry and aggressive hints.note Though he has clarified several times that, although he does make fun of and rage at Sonic games a lot, he actually is a really big fan of Sonic. Does this with games he REALLY dislikes, particularly Sonic.He is an accomplished and popular web animator, best known for the Awesome Series. "I'M THE VIDEO GAME BOY! I'M THE ONE WHO WINS!!"Īrin "Grump" Hanson ("Arin the Bandit" on Steam Train/Steam Rolled), also known by his internet alias, Egoraptor is the co-founder of Game Grumps.